Posted by Laurie M. Murphy on Nov 04, 2022
President Dave opened the meeting , Bob Cardinal did the intros to Visiting Rotarians, and guest, Laurie Murphy was the scribe. It was Beth Naughtons birthday!  Susan Madison is leaving Rotary and she is from Hallie Q. Brown center bit JONATHAN Palmer is our new member for Hallie Q Brown.  He is the director and was awarded a certificate for Mayor Carter.  He is one of only 6 Directors in the 93 years of Hallie Q. Browns.
We listened to two pieces of music played by a cellist and a pianist in honor of the Ukraine.  They were beautiful pieces of music one from Pear and one from Chopin. Music is the language of God, and we are crying in our souls for Ukraine.  Then the director of Rebuilding Ukraine spoke to us. Paul is a Professor of Theology at UST.  Their organization provides medical equipment, ambulances and heavy utility vehicles, and help for children.  Their specialty is the tourniquets to be used in the battle field. They shipped $544,000 dollars’ worth of aid to Ukraine in the 8 months they have been in operation. They have 100 volunteers, 70 of them in Ukraine.  Rotary just gave the $25,000 for their cause. An interesting fact to note is that wars are always the end song of empires!  This empire of Putin’s is the last empire in Europe and Putin wants to go out with a bang.   But Ukraine is very, very resilient! As we have seen.   There is also an over the counter medicine shortage that Rebuild Ukraine is helping to solve.  This is also a war about the Core Values of the Ukraine. He wanted to stress that the Ukrainians were not charity cases.   The children displaced by war, are what they are also working on. 
Laurie Murphy, scribe.