Posted by Lynne Beck on Aug 15, 2024
Rotary Club of Saint Paul August 13, 2024

President Shelly Rucks called the hybrid meeting to order at 12:15 pm. The greeters were Jason DeKeuster and Heidi Fisher. Lynne Beck was scribe. The A/V Tech Team was Matt Magers and Andrew Vincelli. Back of House were Beth Naughton and Susan Rostoski.

Shelly Rucks led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ellen Kennedy gave an Inspirational Minute. She honored the centennial of the birth of James Baldwin, acclaimed American novelist, short story writer, essayist, and playwright. His novel “Go Tell It On The Mountain” is considered one of the top 100 English-language novels of all time. Ellen read some of her favorite quotes from his writings. She then led the club in the 4-Way Test.

Michael-jon Pease introduced visiting guest Eric Mayne, Founder and Executive Director of Change Drivers, an non-profit that helps New Americans through driving training and integration into the workforce.

Ken Crabb introduced the speaker Ray McCoy, Program Coordinator of Employer Reasonable Accommodation Fund (ERAF). He was a Vista volunteer and was employed by the organization in Pennsylvania. Ray moved to Minnesota to assume the position of Program Coordinator of the newly established ERAF. The organization offers small and medium-sized businesses financial support to accommodate employees with disabilities, reimbursing up to $30,000 per fiscal year for reasonable expenses.

An eligible employer must be located in Minnesota, does not employ more than 500 employees on any business day, and generates $5,000,000 or less in gross annual revenue. Some examples of reasonable accommodations are: assistive technology, captioning services, lifting aids, low vision aids and devises, sign language interpreters, signage, specialized software, noise-cancelling devises, and wheelchair ramp.

Submissions for one-time reasonable accommodation expenses must be no less than $250 and no more than $15,000. Submissions for ongoing reasonable accommodation expenses have no minimum or maximum requirements. The application process requires a proof of purchase. It includes disclosure and internal processing, a consultation which is optional, purchasing accommodations, and the ERAF application submission.

Proof of eligibility is not required at the time of application. If the reimbursement is denial, employers are provided an appeal process. The ERAF Program Coordinator is available for technical assistance and consultation at no cost to employers. Ray answered questions from Rotarians and suggested how we can help spread the word about this program. He explained that his role is marketing and outreach and overseeing the program.

Michael-jon Pease asked for Happy Dollars. Linda Mulhern’s daughter was at the Rotex International Convention in Milan Italy where she met the President who was an exchange student in Minnesota. Ellen Kennedy is very proud of her two children: her son who is having his book of essays published and is getting his PhD at Minnesota State University and her daughter whose 13-year-old son just had his bar mitzvah. Sherry Howe hosted 4 youth exchange students from the Czech Republic this summer.

Shelly Rucks made the following club announcements:
  • Signature Lunch: August 20, 2024 12:15-1:15 pm
    InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront or online via zoom
    Kimberly Sannes, Public Solutions Group
  • Signature Lunch: August 27, 2024 12:15-1:15 pm
    InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront or online via zoom
    District Governor Ed Boeve
  • 501: September 3, 2024
    University Club or via zoom 5:01- 6:15 pm
    Michael Kluznik
  • Signature Lunch: September 10, 2024 12:15-1:15 pm
    InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront or online via zoom
    Randy Bloom, Disability Awareness for Business
  • 5:01: Field Trip September 17, 2024
    Bill Zajick, Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society
  • Service Projects
    • August 30 – EquiMania exhibit at the State Fair from 12:15-2:45 pm. You will receive a free admission ticket to volunteer at the horse exhibit.
    • November 7 – Build dressers for Bridging in Roseville at 9:00 am – 12 pm. The meeting closed at 1:07 pm.
Lynne Beck