Posted by Lynne Beck on Sep 05, 2024

President Shelly Rucks called the hybrid meeting to order at 5:15 pm. The greeter was Beth Naughton. Lynne Beck was scribe. The A/V Teach Team was Matt Magers and Ken Crabb.

Shelly Rucks led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

For the Inspirational Minute, Michael-jon Pease read the poem “Home and Love” by Robert William Service that explores the themes of love, belonging, and the deep emotional connections that define our sense of home. He then led the club in the 4-WayTest.

Beth Naughton introduced Shelly’s guests Wolfie and Sue Browenders who traveled with our Rotarians to Japan and our two new members Kathy McCarty and Ben Groves.

Shelly recognized those with birthdays in September. Everyone enjoyed delicious cupcakes by Dave Dominick.

Dick Nicholson introduced our new member Andy Rorvig, a partner in McEllstrem, Fargione, Rorvig and Moe, PA. He also teaches at the University of St. Thomas and Mitchell-Hamline

College of Law and is President of the Ramsey County Bar Association. Andy is also involved in many civic organizations

Shelly Rucks introduced the speaker, Mike Kluznik who talked about “Coming of Age in St. Paul.” He discussed how there are many communities within the larger community of the City, and how each carries history, personalities, and some misconceptions. He is a retired teacher who has two sons and currently lives in Mendota Heights. Mike has written a book about how his family spent years living in poverty in a household headed by a single woman. His father died when his mother was 34 years old with four children 10 and under. They lived in a number of St. Paul neighborhoods: the West Side Flats, McDonough Housing Project, North End, East Side, Summit University, Frog Town, and Crocus Hill. Everywhere they lived, they found community and made a life for themselves.

He told how the West Sides Flats housing was substandard with only a communal bathroom and cold running water and how they received food and clothing donations from the Union Gospel Mission. When they lived in the McDonough Housing Project, they were labeled as project residents. Later, their mother was hospitalized and they had to live in foster homes. Then they moved to an apartment they called the “shack” in a row house on the East Side. Their mother cleaned houses and had other jobs while some of the children had paper routes to make money. Despite all these hardships, all four children graduated from college and earned five graduate degrees. Mike worked his way through the University of Minnesota, taught in Michigan, earned his MA, and taught school and coached in Hastings.

Magic Moment of Rotary

Matt Magers talked about how when he first joined Rotary, he wasn’t sure where he fit in. Then he was recruited to help with technology and found this is his way to serve. He wants to upgrade the technology and is grateful for the donor who purchased the new equipment.

Beth Naughton asked for Happy Dollars. Beth is happy to hear Matt’s story about his Magic Moment of Rotary and Susan Rostoski agreed. Dana Bruce is happy to have help planning the Winter Spark. She said that any who wants to participate is welcome. Ben Grove is pleased to join the organization as a new business owner. Shelly is honored to have 3 new members.

Shelly Rucks made the following club announcements:

  • Signature Lunch: September 10, 2024 12:15-1:15 pm
    InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront or online via zoom
    Randy Bloom, Disability Awareness for Business
  • 5:01: Field Trip September 17, 2024
    Bill Zajick, Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society
  • Signature Lunch: September 24, 2024 12:15-1:15 pm
    InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront or online via zoom
    Club Assembly

Service Projects

  • September 29 – October 4, 2024 Carter Work Project
  • Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • November 7 – Build dressers for Bridging in Roseville 9:00 am – 12 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:19 pm.

Lynne Beck
