Your club foundation’s board of directors, including two incoming members, met Tuesday, May 21, at the Rondo Center of Diverse Expression. Highlights include:
  • Outgoing President John Chandler reviewed progress towards his annual goals: continue strengthening club/foundation alignment to synergize potential, improve financial health, help all understand foundation abilities and limitations, and solidify leadership succession planning.
  • Treasurer’s Report:
    • Andrew Vincelli provided the investment report. Our investments have continued to show modest improvement.
    • Since our last meeting we requested remaining payments for these approved service projects: Cherish All Children, Cleveland Gardens and Shelter Box.
  • Board leads provided updates about Centennial Scholars, Coffee fundraiser, and Second Century Society.
  • The June 4 foundation social agenda was reviewed.
  • John shared draft renderings of Elmer L. Andersen Fellowship recognition pins with stones. It was ultimately determined to only order 100 replacement pins. Special thanks to Rotarian Tamara Sparrow from Landmark Jewelers for helping us locate a local vendor!
  • Discussion about the next campaign was tabled.
  • The 2024-25 foundation board slate and 2023-24 foundation annual report assignments were approved.
  • Dave Dominick provided a club update.
  • Our next board meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2024